Indrayani Agro – Shadenet Manufacturer, Drip Irrigation Products, Polyhouse Manufacturer in Nashik

Duron® Wire & Fencing Products


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Agriculture Wire


As a horticulutirst, you know what hard work means. It’s a big investment and one that you want to make fruitful. Whatever horticulture fruits or vegetables you’re growing, your fruits need a decent trellis and protection system in order to produce the best quality possible. For years, our Bezinal® 2000 fruit tensioning and protection wire has proven to provide excellent protection to severe weather elements, extreme temperatures, and corrosive fertilizers and pesticides. With partners in all regions across India, you can benefit from a fast supply and service.


  • Easy & flexible to Install and maintain
  • Reliable in all weather conditions
  • Superior corrosion resistance
Type Duron Agriculture Wire Traditional Galvanised wire
Guage Diameter [mm] Breaking load (kg) Ft/kg [feet) Guage Diameter [mm] Breaking load (kg) Ft/kg [feet)
Tomato / Cucumber / Capsicum 15.5 1.70 151 184 14 2.00 151 120
Dragon fruit / Pomegranate 12 2.50 540 85 10 3.00 339 59
14 2.00 345 135 12 2.50 236 80
Guava / Custard Apple 12 2.50 540 85 10 3.00 339 59
13 2.20 418 109 12 2.50 236 80
Polyhouse / Greenhouse 10 3.37/3.20 750/883 46/52 8 4.00 603 32
13 2.20 418 109 12 2.50 236 80
Gourds / Pointed- IVY Gourds 10 3.37/3.20 750/883 46/52 8 4.00 603 32
13 2.20 418 109 10 3.00 339 59
14 2.00 345 135 12 2.50 236 80
15 1.80 280 164 14 2.00 151 120
16 1.60 221 201 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Type Duron Agriculture Wire Traditional Galvanised wire
Guage Diameter [mm] Breaking load (kg) Ft/kg [feet) Guage Diameter [mm] Breaking load (kg) Ft/kg [feet)
Tomato / Cucumber / Capsicum 15.5 1.70 151 184 14 2.00 151 120
Dragon fruit / Pomegranate 12 2.50 540 85 10 3.00 339 59
14 2.00 345 135 12 2.50 236 80
Guava / Custard Apple 12 2.50 540 85 10 3.00 339 59
13 2.20 418 109 12 2.50 236 80
Polyhouse / Greenhouse 10 3.37/3.20 750/883 46/52 8 4.00 603 32
13 2.20 418 109 12 2.50 236 80
Gourds / Pointed- IVY Gourds 10 3.37/3.20 750/883 46/52 8 4.00 603 32
13 2.20 418 109 10 3.00 339 59
14 2.00 345 135 12 2.50 236 80
15 1.80 280 164 14 2.00 151 120
16 1.60 221 201 N/A N/A N/A N/A
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Agriculture Wire


As a horticulutirst, you know what hard work means. It’s a big investment and one that you want to make fruitful. Whatever horticulture fruits or vegetables you’re growing, your fruits need a decent trellis and protection system in order to produce the best quality possible. For years, our Bezinal® 2000 fruit tensioning and protection wire has proven to provide excellent protection to severe weather elements, extreme temperatures, and corrosive fertilizers and pesticides. With partners in all regions across India, you can benefit from a fast supply and service.


  • Easy & flexible to Install and maintain
  • Reliable in all weather conditions
  • Superior corrosion resistance
Type Duron Agriculture Wire Traditional Galvanised wire
Guage Diameter [mm] Breaking load (kg) Ft/kg [feet) Guage Diameter [mm] Breaking load (kg) Ft/kg [feet)
Tomato / Cucumber / Capsicum 15.5 1.70 151 184 14 2.00 151 120
Dragon fruit / Pomegranate 12 2.50 540 85 10 3.00 339 59
14 2.00 345 135 12 2.50 236 80
Guava / Custard Apple 12 2.50 540 85 10 3.00 339 59
13 2.20 418 109 12 2.50 236 80
Polyhouse / Greenhouse 10 3.37/3.20 750/883 46/52 8 4.00 603 32
13 2.20 418 109 12 2.50 236 80
Gourds / Pointed- IVY Gourds 10 3.37/3.20 750/883 46/52 8 4.00 603 32
13 2.20 418 109 10 3.00 339 59
14 2.00 345 135 12 2.50 236 80
15 1.80 280 164 14 2.00 151 120
16 1.60 221 201 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Type Duron Agriculture Wire Traditional Galvanised wire
Guage Diameter [mm] Breaking load (kg) Ft/kg [feet) Guage Diameter [mm] Breaking load (kg) Ft/kg [feet)
Tomato / Cucumber / Capsicum 15.5 1.70 151 184 14 2.00 151 120
Dragon fruit / Pomegranate 12 2.50 540 85 10 3.00 339 59
14 2.00 345 135 12 2.50 236 80
Guava / Custard Apple 12 2.50 540 85 10 3.00 339 59
13 2.20 418 109 12 2.50 236 80
Polyhouse / Greenhouse 10 3.37/3.20 750/883 46/52 8 4.00 603 32
13 2.20 418 109 12 2.50 236 80
Gourds / Pointed- IVY Gourds 10 3.37/3.20 750/883 46/52 8 4.00 603 32
13 2.20 418 109 10 3.00 339 59
14 2.00 345 135 12 2.50 236 80
15 1.80 280 164 14 2.00 151 120
16 1.60 221 201 N/A N/A N/A N/A
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Polyhouse 3


What is polyhouse cultivation? Why most epole re showing interest in polyhouse cultivation? Well, since the centuries cultivation of crops is changing with different farming methods and the polyhouse is one of modern farming methodas useng controlled environment. Growing croops under controlled environent such as temperature, humidity, and fertilizers with the help of automated sysems is called polyhouse cultivation.

Type Duron Agriculture Wire Traditional Galvanised wire
Guage Diameter [mm] Breaking load (kg) Ft/kg [feet) Guage Diameter [mm] Breaking load (kg) Ft/kg [feet)
Tomato / Cucumber / Capsicum 15.5 1.70 151 184 14 2.00 151 120
Dragon fruit / Pomegranate 12 2.50 540 85 10 3.00 339 59
14 2.00 345 135 12 2.50 236 80
Guava / Custard Apple 12 2.50 540 85 10 3.00 339 59
13 2.20 418 109 12 2.50 236 80
Polyhouse / Greenhouse 10 3.37/3.20 750/883 46/52 8 4.00 603 32
13 2.20 418 109 12 2.50 236 80
Gourds / Pointed- IVY Gourds 10 3.37/3.20 750/883 46/52 8 4.00 603 32
13 2.20 418 109 10 3.00 339 59
14 2.00 345 135 12 2.50 236 80
15 1.80 280 164 14 2.00 151 120
16 1.60 221 201 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Type Duron Agriculture Wire Traditional Galvanised wire
Guage Diameter [mm] Breaking load (kg) Ft/kg [feet) Guage Diameter [mm] Breaking load (kg) Ft/kg [feet)
Tomato / Cucumber / Capsicum 15.5 1.70 151 184 14 2.00 151 120
Dragon fruit / Pomegranate 12 2.50 540 85 10 3.00 339 59
14 2.00 345 135 12 2.50 236 80
Guava / Custard Apple 12 2.50 540 85 10 3.00 339 59
13 2.20 418 109 12 2.50 236 80
Polyhouse / Greenhouse 10 3.37/3.20 750/883 46/52 8 4.00 603 32
13 2.20 418 109 12 2.50 236 80
Gourds / Pointed- IVY Gourds 10 3.37/3.20 750/883 46/52 8 4.00 603 32
13 2.20 418 109 10 3.00 339 59
14 2.00 345 135 12 2.50 236 80
15 1.80 280 164 14 2.00 151 120
16 1.60 221 201 N/A N/A N/A N/A