- Pioneers in the industry, we offer Polyhouse from India.
- As a well-known business firm, we are keenly committed in presenting to our customers high quality Net House.
What is polyhouse cultivation? Why most epole re showing interest in polyhouse cultivation? Well, since the centuries cultivation of crops is changing with different farming methods and the polyhouse is one of modern farming methodas useng controlled environment. Growing croops under controlled environent such as temperature, humidity, and fertilizers with the help of automated sysems is called polyhouse cultivation.
Product Details
- Comfortable
- Rough and tough usage
- Low maintenance
- Tear proof
- Fine finish
- Uniform thickness
- Plants are grown in a ontrolled environment
- Crops can be grown throughout the year without depending on the season
- Insect pests and diseases are less in polyhouse cultivation
- External climate does not have any im0act on plant growth
- Polyhouse can be maintained with good sanitation
- Cropping period is less, hence one expects increased production capacity